The Fuel Science option provides advanced instruction and research in the characterization and utilization of fuels, with special emphasis on coal, petroleum and carbon-based materials. Graduates will be at the forefront of society's search for environmentally acceptable solutions to the ever-increasing energy problems of today.
The training will prepare students for work in safeguarding the environment and providing society with energy technology choices to meet the ever-growing needs in areas such as fuel processing and use, and technology development. The research focus in the Fuel Science option is the effective conversion and utilization of energy resources and carbon materials. Faculty have a wide variety of interests spanning coal science and technology, fuel conversion, hydrocarbon combustion, air pollution control and carbon materials.
In adddition to the EME Core Courses, the FSc option requires a minimum of 12 credits from the following list:
- FSC 503(3) or CHE510(3) Analytical Methods in Fuel Science or Surface Characterization of Materials
- FSC 504(3) Problems in Fuels Engineering
- FSC 506(3) Carbon Reactions
- EME 570 or CHE 536 Catalytic Materials or Heterogeneous Catalysis
- CHE 544(3) or CHE 546 General Transport Phenomena or Transport Phenomena II
- ME 523(3) Numerical Solutions Applied to Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Problems