Tutoring helps you succeed in your foundation and higher-level classes. The are many places tutoring resources available to Penn State students. Please review the resources below for more information.
Where can I get tutoring?
There are a few options for tutoring.
- Ryan Family Student Center
The Ryan Family Student Center (RFSC) in 14 Deike offers tutoring in Math (up to MATH 251), Physics, and writing skills. You can check the RFSC website or stop in to check tutoring hours. You do not need to register or sign up for tutoring. Just stop by during the tutoring times. - Penn State Learning Guided Study Groups
Penn State Learning offers guided study groups that meet about once a week in many different subject areas. You can find information about a study group for a specific course on their website. You do not need to sign up or register. Students who attend these groups regularly are more successful in the course than students who attend just before the exam, so we suggest planning to participate in a group regularly for the best results. - Penn State Learning Drop-in Tutoring
Penn State Learning also offers some drop-in tutoring. Drop-in tutoring is different from the guided study groups. The groups will offer some teaching or discussion on topics similar to what was taught in class that week while drop-in tutoring is mainly a time to ask specific questions. - Eberly College of Science Academic Help
Some academic departments such as the Eberly College of Science offer tutoring. This is helpful when taking classes like physics that are offered by that college. - Course Instructors
Course instructors are usually able to provide information about any tutoring that is offered by their department. - Study Habit Workshops
There are also several workshops offered on general study habits. Check with your advisor for more information about these opportunities.