Advising Forms
- Request for Exception to Major/Option/Minor or Certificates Requirements - Your faculty adviser and the program chair for your major will need to sign the form giving you approval. After you have the form completed with all signatures, turn it in at 115 Hosler.
- For questions relating to Penn State's Grade Forgiveness Policy, please reach out to your assigned adviser for more information.
Non-Advising Forms
- Student Travel Support Information - The John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering is pleased to help support educational student travel experiences undertaken by our students, such as attending or presenting research at a professional society conference or taking part in an organized research program (like the GREEN Program) during a semester break, when funding is available.
- Student Scholarship Form - The John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering offers a wide-variety of scholarship opportunities to undergraduate students pursuing degrees within the department. Many of our scholarships are funded by donations from individual alumni and friends while others are the result of corporate gifts.